Friday, May 3, 2013

We have arrived!

Hello from Washington D.C.!!!

We officially made it to the east coast. Our plane ride was quite enjoyable even with the little bit of turbulence we experienced. The students travelled wonderfully and were very respectful of the people around them. We were very lucky to fly almost directly over the National Mall as we came in for our landing; the Capitol and Lincoln Memorial were beautifully lit up against the dark D.C. sky.

Upon arrival, we managed to cram two adults, ten adolescents, and multiple suitcases and backpacks into our very stylish 12 passenger van. It felt a bit like Tetris getting everything - and everyone - into the van, but we were successful.

The hotel is ideally located just a few blocks behind the Capitol Building. We have two sets of connecting rooms which is wonderful and extremely convenient for everyone. Additionally, we will have microwaves and refrigerators in each room allowing the students to prepare their own breakfasts and lunches daily throughout the trip - hooray for practical life skills!

Starting tomorrow evening the students will take over the blogging responsibilities, but until then, I have included a few pictures of today's travels - please note the "before" hotel room picture...the "after" picture will be sure to follow. ;)

It is now 12:37 am EST and the girls are all tucked in and quietly talking as they are struggling with the time difference. I should get myself to bed as I have to wake up these teenagers at 8:00 am sharp. :)

Until tomorrow,
Ms. B.

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