Friday, May 10, 2013

As promised...


The HMS Middle School trip to Washington D.C. was an absolute success! We learned a lot about our nation and its history, each other, and ourselves. Watching the students experience D.C. and Gettysburg was a thoroughly enjoyable opportunity for me as a teacher. Below are a few of my favorite moments of the trip. Be sure to stop and talk to the middle school students about their favorite memories next time you see them in Building B! 

  • Walking Pickett's Charge in complete silence at Gettysburg. 
  • Watching the students eat - they can really put it away!
  • Feeling deeply connected as a group as we toured the Holocaust Museum. 
  • Observing the students bond during their free time in the evenings. 
  • Being in awe for the entirety of our three hour tour of the Capitol Building. 
  • The "bird incident" in the van as we drove back to D.C. from Gettysburg. 
  • Watching the students figure out the little things in life, such as learning that if you want to take the elevator, you actually have to push the button - it won't magically appear when you're ready for it. :) 

To the middle school parents - thank you for sharing your children with me; it was an amazing experience that I will never forget! 

Unit next time, 
Ms. B. 

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