Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 1: "My feet STILL hurt!"

The U.S. Capitol

The rotunda at the National Museum of Natural History

The entrance to the National Museum of Natural History

The Lincoln Memorial 

Good evening HMS community! Before I turn the blogging over to the students, please note that they are blogging under pen names...very creative pen names. :)

Ms. B.

Hi everyone!

Today the class went shopping. It wasn't pleasure shopping either. We had to follow a grocery list and a budget. It was kind of hard to find things in Safeway because it was a different store. The aisles seemed very small. We were split into two groups of five students and one adult. One group was assigned to shop for lunches for the week and the other for breakfasts. After we ate breakfast, we brought the groceries back to the hotel and made our lunches.

Then we walked to the National Museum of Natural History. By the time we got there, everyone's feet were hurting. We had lunch on the lawn and got a chance to rest. Each student came up with ten facts that they learned at the museum. Here are a few of them:

  • Graphite is a diamond. 
  • Apollo 13 did not land on the moon. 
  • Soft-shell turtles have long necks. 
  • Zebras are brown and white, not black and white. 
  • A meteorite is a meteoroid that lands on Earth intact. 
  • Gig Harbor is on the North American tectonic plate. 
  • The continents are very slowly wrapping around the world. 
  • Every time a person breathes in, they consume dead skin. 
  • The Hope Diamond is 45.52 carats. 
  • Lucy was the first upright walking human. 

Next, we dragged our aching feet across the National Mall  to the Lincoln Memorial. When we got there "Miss Dubs" presented her brochure on the memorial. Then we looked around inside the building and trekked back to the hotel. We had a lot of fun, but were VERY glad to finally sit down at the hotel.

Until tomorrow, 
"Violet" & "Miss Miaow" 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the info. The dead skin thing was kind of creepy. Thanks for sharing though.
