Monday, May 6, 2013

Memorials & Museums

WWII Memorial

WWII Memorial dedication to women. 

Vietnam Memorial

Korean War Memorial

The White House
Smithsonian Air & Space Museum

The time difference has finally hit us. We started off by waking up 40 minutes late. We then had to hurry a little to get out the door. We walked first to the WWII Memorial where "Stinkmaximus" gave his presentation. We then went to to the Vietnam Memorial where "Chimichanga" gave his presentation and shared about his grandfather who fought in Vietnam. Lastly, we went to the Korean War Memorial where "Hewie" gave his presentation.

Then we walked to the White House where "Miss Miaow" gave her presentation. There was a button on the outer fence of the White House grounds that said "Push this button," but nothing happened when we pushed it. Then "Chimichanga" guided us to the Air & Space Museum where we spent two hours exploring. We ended our time at the museum by watching an IMAX 3D movie about the Hubble telescope. Below are some fun facts we discovered while at the museum:

  • Russia detonated its first nuclear bomb in 1919.
  • The first US satellite was dubbed the 'Flopnik' because it exploded before leaving the ground. 
  • The Mitsubishi A6M5 was the most commonly used Japanese naval fighter in WWII. 
  • The space race became a symbol of the broad ideological and political contest. 
  • The wingspan of the first plane was 12.3 meters. 
  • The Browning machine gun fires 700 - 850 bullets per minute. 

While you were enjoying weather in the low 80s, we were walking in light rain and chilly temperatures in the mid 50s as we ventured out to Union Station for dinner. After dinner we walked back to the hotel and went swimming again.

Until tomorrow,
"Miss Dubs" & "Chimichanga"

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