Sunday, May 5, 2013


View of Big Round Top to the left and Little Round Top to the right of BRT.
Taken from Culp's Hill Observation Tower. 

Virginia Memorial - Confederate commander Gen. Robert E. Lee 

Farm in the Peach Orchard with the original hole from a Confederate cannon ball. 

Abraham Lincoln statue in the center of historical Gettysburg.
 Lincoln is pointing to the Wills House where he finished writing the Gettysburg Address. 

One bird. One windshield. One car full of much laughter!!

This post is dedicated to a very special middle school grandmother who bestowed her extensive knowledge about Gettysburg to our class - your time and help was greatly appreciated and ended up serving us better than we could have ever imagined! Thank you!!! 

We woke up early in the morning today, got ready, and made lunch for ourselves. We got on the road after piling into the big white van. We passed through Virginia, Maryland, and into Pennsylvania. We drove to the northern part of Gettysburg and hiked up an observation tower where "Mr. Wolf" gave his Gettysburg presentation. 

The group continued our tour and took in the sights while stopping frequently to explore the statues and monuments. We ended up having lunch at Little Big Top where we had an indescribable view of the "Valley of Death" which included the Devil's Den. We then got to climb all over the rocks in the area. 

Afterwards, we stopped at the Peach Orchard and then continued on to Pickett's Charge. This is where the Confederate troops attempted to overrun the Union while under heavy artillery fire, but ultimately failed, resulting in the Union victory. We walked where the soldiers walked and climbed over the Bloody Angle to the Copse of Trees where Lee directed his soldiers to march. 

Later we had dinner at the Cracker Barrel and stuffed ourselves. On the way back to the hotel, a bird decided to take a large bowel movement on our front windshield causing much laughter and wonder! When we get back to the hotel, we plan to swim for the first time on our trip. 

Until tomorrow, 
"Stinkmaximus" & "Hamster"

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