Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rain, rain, and more rain!

D.C. Metro

Hirshhorn Art Museum 

Hirshhorn Art Museum

Teen Art Lab - Hirshhorn Art Museum

Last night the boys went to bed on time while the girls stayed up later. Then we all got up early to go to the Holocaust Museum. We had to stand in line in the rain while we waited for the tickets to be distributed. The guards did not trust our water and made us drink it. After security, we finally got into the museum. 

It was a somber experience that showed the history of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The fourth floor was about the rise of Nazi Germany and the anti-semitism instilled in ordinary citizens. The third floor was about the concentration camps and the transition to the "final solution." The second floor was about Auschwitz and other death camps. On the first floor there was a memorial to the people who died during the Holocaust. One of the most emotional parts of the museum was the room of shoes. It was a room filled with shoes that had once belonged to Jews who had been killed in concentration camps - the shoes still smelled of leather. 

Due to the extremely soggy and blustery weather, we were not able to make it to the zoo. Instead, we explored the Hirshhorn Art Museum. After touring the art museum, we went to a digital art studio for teens. "Mr. Wolf" had fun making a digital model of an alien. Everyone else just played "Idea Ages" on their very awesome Macs. We also got to play "Rock Band."

We then went to The Cheesecake Factory. In order to get there, we had to navigate the D.C. Metro line. We had dinner and then on the way home "Mr. Wolf" left his cheesecake on the train. Otherwise it was a good day. 

Until tomorrow, 
"Mr. Wolf" & "Soggy Bagel"

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