Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"She smiled at me!!!"

Beautiful Portland, Oregon

The majestic countryside of Southern Oregon 

Today we spent a total of nine hours in the car. We all survived. 

Hamlet had a particularly exciting day... As we were driving through the beautiful hills of Southern Oregon, a car passed us and a girl smiled at Hamlet. Hamlet then excitedly turned to everyone and proudly proclaimed "She smiled at me!!!" Boys will be boys and they spent the next 20 minutes giving Hamlet a hard time. Apparently the wedding is taking place next week. :)

It must be noted that I, Mrs. Mac, do not usually do the blogging, but after nine long hours together, the boys were only able to come up with a blog regarding the incessant flatulence that filled our minivan throughout the day. On an unrelated note, or perhaps a very related note, I have lost my voice. 

Beatrice, one of our female students, chose to blog stream-of-consciousness:

Still in Gig Harbor. Running late. 

Crossing bridge to next city. Hope we get there by midnight. 

In Tacoma. Progress slower than a snail in a race. 

Going by mall. Romeo wants the car next to us, but Prospero thinks Corvettes are better. 

Prospero wants to find a "Q" on the side of a truck. 

Just saw a Hello Kitty on some guy's car...

A, B, C, D, E, F, G... Save me. 

Lumberjack looking fellow is driving a sports car. 

Radio turned on. Very cheesy song (93.3)

Going on barn route. Too bad I can't stop and see Krissy (my horse). 

Went past barn exit, sadly. 

It's amazing how fast the world goes by... from swamp to river to marsh to forest to field. 

New radio station. Happy...? (106.1)

Romeo saw another car she/he wants. Prospero says it looks like a prison transport vehicle. 

It IS a prison vehicle... 

Romeo wanted a squished car. 

Prospero wants to eat a gazelle. 

Wouldn't playing with magic be cool?

One hour in. 

Had lunch at attorney's office (yes - this is true.)

In Oregon. 

"Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow."
Beatrice & Hamlet 

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